quick get yourselves over to lorrainesblog she has a suprise candy on offer but you only have chance to enter until midnight tonight.... so what are you waiting for ....go see now!!!
i am a full time working mum of 4 who likes nothing better than to spend hours and hours creating something or other, i have always been creative though i cant draw to save my life, i've tried most crafts, knitting,crochet,embroidery,sewing to name a few, but my real passion is for cardmaking though i do dabble a bit in scrapbooking.i love paper and find myself not wanting to use my favourite papers, i just get them out every so often to look at them lol
You are very welcome to use my designs for inspiration but please dont directly copy them for entry into competitions, for design team applications or publication, thank you .
My wish list
rubbah, rubbah and more rubbah!!!
more nesties
places my bank manager doesn't like me visiting !!!
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